Monday, November 30, 2009

August and me at the park with Celia and Charlie last month. Back in the days when we were getting about 4 hours total of fragmented sleep a night, for two months straight. Yeah. We were both a little rough around the edges but I love this picture. It's one of the only ones of the two of us that I didn't take myself.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Going through some old pix today. Holy moly teeny tiny Augie.

Monday, November 23, 2009

month 4 babybooth!

5 days before his 5-month bday but better late than never...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

where does the time go?

Our nearly-5-month-old is looking sorta strawberry blonde these days! The biggest news lately is that he's sleeping MUCH better and so are we (hallelujah, dudes), thanks to the sage advice of Dr. Michel Cohen and my friends Megan, Amy, and Celia. After almost two months of hourly waking to nurse, we decided August needed to learn to soothe himself to sleep. He's a much happier baby as a result and nothing could make us happier than that.

Aug went for his 4 month well baby checkup last week and he's definitely tall (like 90th percentile tall) but kinda skinny at just over 14 lbs. He's doing great, growing so quickly and laughing lots.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

more from the weekend...

august's first road trip

We drove 5 hours to Salmon Arm to visit Nana and Papa this weekend. The car rides went surprisingly smoothly--Aug was happy to sleep for half and spend the other half playing with toys, stopping to eat and stretch his little legs, and admiring the view. He definitely had had enough by the last hour when we came home, though. Poor babes. We had lots of fun with the fam, though, and Augie just loved Nana and Papa's house in the country!