Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Holidays

August had so much fun during our Christmas visit to Nana and Papa's, despite all of us muddling through colds and other maladies. The whole family, near and far, gave Aug some awesome goodies that he was amazed to discover were his to take home. He's going through an extra-shy phase these days so he played coy with Nana and Papa (and Uncle Adrian) for a few minutes each day before letting loose again. We enjoyed the sunny, snowy days with plenty of cribbage, good music, rest and yummy food.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Ho ho ho

Bright Nights train ride! Augie loved every minute. Lots of "oooooh's".
Stanley Park's miniature train comes in. We found out that this is its last year in the park. Vancouver Parks Board cuts :(
Helping dada decorate the tree. Ooooooh.
Decided hats aren't so bad after all and wanted me to put this toque that Nana knitted on his head. He very earnestly "sweeps" the floor like this at least once a day.

In other news, the inevitable indoctrination has begun: when you ask him what Santa says, Augie laughs, "Ohh ho ho!"

Saturday, December 4, 2010