Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day

Mother's Day was busy and fun. We went to the neighbourhood fire station with plans to merely peek in the windows and check out the beloved fire trucks but lo and behold, there were five fire fighters literally jostling to let Augie see inside the truck, climb up inside, look inside the compartments with cool tools, and wear a mini firefighter's hat. I've always thought firefighters were great but I've been impressed by how eager they are to please kids, wave, open up their doors. Augie was awestruck.

After that we went to our fave Maplewood Farms and roamed around with the horses, sheep, goats and ducks. We weren't done yet, though. Next was our favourite neighbourhood parks for some digger, slide and swing time. August can now climb up and slide down all by himself! What a big boy.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Step stool

We bought August a step stool to help him reach the sinks and counters and he is loving it. One of his favourite things to do is play for a bit with the water in the sink, so I give him a few toys to "rinse" and "wash" and he does his thing.