Wednesday, July 29, 2009

everything is new

Hah. These look like Augie's first feature interview photo shoot. Just hanging out on his nursing pillow, pontificating.

August is already one month old! The last month has been a surreal and happy blur of learning and serious sleep deprivation. It's been so cool to see him discover the world and change every day. We knew the first weeks would be trying and true enough, there have been some really hard days as we figured things out on a few hours sleep but most days have been the most epic, heart-bursting awesomeness of our lives.

Stuff Augie's into:
Chuckling in his sleep
Furrowing his brow
Making billy goat noises
Sighing sweetly
Smiling (first one at 10 days old)
Being naked
Looking out at the trees
Bath time
Eating! (duh)


famapa said...

wow, can't believe it's been a month already! can't wait to get there with our little one... eventually. right now I feel like my belly is going to explode... and I still have three months to go. geeez.

oh, and you guys look lovely in the last pic. go team blue!

claire said...

way to go augie! i can tell from this list that we are going to be great friends.